Getting fiscal residency in Romania

Getting fiscal residency in Romania

You would go where you are treated the best. Romania has the lowest tax rate in Europe (1% corporate tax). Once you decide to move your business or to set up a new one in Romania, you may consider getting...

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Employment in Romania

Employment in Romania

Employment in Romania According to the Labour Code, the employer must inform the employee about essential employment agreement clauses during the hiring process. However, many well-known companies practice good hiring practices and use human resources specialists to identify the best…

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Immigration in Romania

Human resources consultancy in Romania

In Romania, the field of Human Resources Consultancy has been growing in importance over the past few years. In recent years, the scientific and practical research has greatly improved, resulting in a massive amount of articles, books, and courses being…

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Corporate changes Trade Registry in Romania

Corporate changes Trade Registry in Romania

It is possible to change the directors of a limited liability company or a joint-stock company in Romania at any time. However, any such change needs to be registered at the Trade Registry in Bucharest. To avoid any ambiguities, associates…

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Immigration in Romania

Microenterprise in Romania

You can open a microenterprise in Romania by following a simple procedure. First, you must check whether the name you want is available. In Romania, you need to be registered in the National Trade Register.  After you’ve chosen a company…

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Immigration in Romania

Immigration in Romania

Globally, millions of people move to other countries on an annual basis, and the numbers are expected to increase over time. According to a Gallup poll, almost 640 million adults would like to immigrate. The United Nations reports that there…

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Limited liability company in Romania

Limited liability company in Romania

Minimum share capital requirements   The Romanian applicable legislation does not provide any minimum share capital of a LLC, or the minimum amount of a share. Number of shareholders   A Romanian LLC may be incorporated and held by a sole shareholder….

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Uberization of work in Romania

Uberization of work in Romania

IT giants have typically opted for flexible employee scheduling, allowing, for example, in IT, software development, customer support and sales/marketing, types of services and the diffusion of regular work from a fixed office job to work from home, allover cities…

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