Romania will join Schengen area in 2022, based on the statement of European Commissioner for Home Affairs Ylva Johansson issued in February 2022 further to a visit of the humanitarian aid camp in the Siret Border Crossing Point with Ukraine, amid the refugee crisis caused by Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine. Romania’s efforts in the context of the Ukraine crisis show that we can ensure the protection of the European Union’s external borders.
The next evaluation will be made in June 2022 June, France Ambassador has expressed openness so it is very possible for Romania to join Schengen area in June 2022 when it will take place the Justice and Home Affairs Council of the European Commission, chaired by France. The French Ambassador in Bucharest, Laurence Auer (link here: , made the announcement in the context of the launch of the French Presidency of the EU Council. The French Presidency will last six months, from January 2022 to June 2022. “During these six months we will do our utmost to contribute to the enlargement of the Schengen Area, welcoming Romania with us,” said the French Ambassador. The announcement was made at a conference at the European Commission Representation. Both the French Ambassador and the Head of the European Commission Representation stressed that Romania has fulfilled all the necessary technical conditions to become a Schengen member.
Congratulations to all the humanitarian organizations and border police officers (Politia de Frontiera) working intensively and yet being very responsive at the Northern border with Ukraine and for managing the refugee’s influx.
The Schengen area comprises 26 European states that have officially abolished passport and all other types of border control at their mutual borders. This means that holders of a residency permit in one Schengen country like Romania, will be able to travel in the Schengen area without being necessary any passport. Romania in Schengen Area will facilitate travel between Romania and other EU nations and no border checks with other Schengen countries, like Hungary will be no longer needed.
You may see a touching photo of the Romanian border control officers placing toys for kids on the bridge where children are arriving from Ukraine.
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