The withdrawal process of the United Kingdom from the European Union (Brexit) was completed on 31 January 2020. Consequently, the Withdrawal Agreement ratified by both parties entered into force on 1 February 2020.
The Withdrawal Agreement provides for a transition period until 31 December 2020, during which the United Kingdom will continue to comply with the European acquis, including the EU’s trade policy. At the same time, during the transitional period, the United Kingdom no longer participates in the decision-making mechanism and is no longer represented in the EU institutions, but retains all the rights and obligations of a Member State.
Entry in Romania for British citizens
After the end of the transition period (after the 1st of January 2021):
Family members of British citizens
Family members (husband or wife of the British citizen; direct descendants, including adopted ones, who have not turned 21 years of age or are dependants of the British citizen, as well as those of the husband/wife or partner; direct ascendants, irrespective of citizenship, who are dependants of the British citizen, as well as those of the husband/wife or partner; partner – a person who lives together with the British citizen, if the partnership is legally registered in their country of origin or country they come from or, in case the partnership is not registered, evidence of a cohabitation relationship can be brought; dependant- any other family member, regardless of nationality, who does not fall into the categories stated above and who, in the country of origin or provenance, is dependent or is a member of the household of the British citizen, or is in a situation where, for serious health grounds, his personal assistance is necessary; any other family member, irrespective of citizenship, others than the categories referred to above, whose presence on Romanian territory is necessary to the British citizen, lest the latter is deprived of the right of stay granted under the applicable law) of British citizens beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement may join them at any time after the end of the transition period.
They may be subject to the obligation to apply for a entry visa for Romania, based on their nationality and taking into account the Lists annexed to EU Regulation 1806/2018, in order to regulate their status as family members. These visas are issued free of charge and falls under the terms of an accelerated procedure.
Third-country nationals, family members of British citizens beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement, who enter the territory of Romania after December 31, 2020/starting the 1st of January 2021 and who did not have the status of family members until December 31st 2020, are subject to the national legal visa obtaining regime, depending on the nationality, related to the lists annexed to the EU Regulation 1806/2018, as well as to other regulations, or may be exempted from the visa requirement.
Family members who join British citizens, beneficiaries of the Withdrawal Agreement, after the end of the transition period, may obtain an entry visa which is issued, free of charge, as soon as possible and under an accelerated procedure, given that they are not legally exempted from this obligation.
Stay in Romania for British citizens
British citizens and their family members who have been residing in Romania and who wish to remain in the country after the end of the transition period (31 December 2020) can apply for an extension of their temporary residence permit in Romania on the basis of the Withdrawal Agreement, as application forms are to be filled in and submitted to the territorial office of the General Inspectorate for Immigration no later than 31st of December 2021.
Residence Permit for British citizens
In order to extend the right of residence (obtaining a residence permit), as a beneficiary of the Withdrawal Agreement, the following documents are to be submitted:
Family members shall add to their application form, as the case, one of the following documents:
In the case of continued stay on Romanian territory, the temporary stay permit holder must go to the territorial office of the General Inspectorate for Immigration and apply for a new temporary stay permit within at least 30 days before expiry date of their current temporary stay permit.
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