Limited liability company

Limited liability company (LLC) vs. joint stock company (JSC)

Limited liability company (LLC) vs. joint stock company (JSC) -The commercial company is an autonomous body, which the law has conferred legal personality and which provides the best framework for the achievement of social goals, the satisfaction of personal interests...

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Remove term: apple appleRemove term: intends intendsRemove term: to innovate to innovateRemove term: from Romania from RomaniaRemove term: from UK from UKRemove term: from Germany from GermanyRemove term: from Israel from IsraelRemove term: from France from FranceRemove term: Steve Jobes Steve JobesRemove term: managers managersRemove term: business businessRemove term: company companyRemove term: functional structure functional structureRemove term: domain domainRemove term: best product experience best product experienceRemove term: Apple products Apple productsRemove term: amazing products amazing productsRemove term: billion billionRemove term: best financial results best financial resultsRemove term: giant tech Apple giant tech AppleRemove term: NACE code NACE codeRemove term: Apple announced expansion plan Apple announced expansion planRemove term: plan planRemove term: expansion expansionRemove term: opening openingRemove term: specialized human resources specialized human resourcesRemove term: Romania is so-called Romania is so-calledRemove term: silicon valley of Europe silicon valley of EuropeRemove term: IT ITRemove term: high qualified personel in IT high qualified personel in ITRemove term: cybersecurity cybersecurityRemove term: Romanian Politehnica University Romanian Politehnica UniversityRemove term: digital and cyber security digital and cyber security

Apple intends to innovate from Romania similar as from UK, Germany, Israel and France

After Steve Jobes returned to Apple, he laid off all the managers. Apple at that time it was divided into business unites each with loss and profits. He put the entire company into one PNL and made a functional structure….

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Employment lawyer

Employment lawyer

An employment lawyer in Romania is essential to a business’s legal and economic success. The country’s economic conditions have made labour disputes a common issue, and Romanian lawyers are familiar with the local context and can help companies deal with…

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HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR PROFIT TO ONLY 1% CORPORATE TAX Phone:   +40 (0) 728 175 406 E-mail: You can contact us for further assistance/information regarding the formation of a Romanian micro-enterprise on the above email. HOW TO OPTIMIZE YOUR PROFIT TO ONLY 1% CORPORATE TAX…

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