Eurostat: After Ireland, in the first three months of the year, compared to the last three months of 2021 Romania had the highest growth during this period (+5.2%), according to the final data.

Eurostat statistics: The Statistical Office of the European Union has released the final data on the development of the economies of the Member States in the first quarter of this year. Ireland was the country with the fastest GDP appreciation…

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Standard and Poor’s recommends Romania as safe for investments

Standard and Poor’s recommends Romania as safe for investments

As regards Standard and Poor’s rating grades, a bond is considered investment grade if its credit rating is BBB− or higher. Whenever bonds are rated with BBB+ such are qualified as being speculative and “junk” bonds. Standard & Poor's has reconfirmed in April...

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Uberization of work in Romania

Uberization of work in Romania

IT giants have typically opted for flexible employee scheduling, allowing, for example, in IT, software development, customer support and sales/marketing, types of services and the diffusion of regular work from a fixed office job to work from home, allover cities…

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